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Friday, September 17, 2010

I know I should be grateful and I really am, honest!

Yesterday was a very busy day, well at least for me it was in comparison to a typical day with me.  I got up just as early as I normally do - 4am or there about.  I get up that early because I just get sick and tired of waking up every 2 hours and after waking at 12am, 2am, and then 4am I just say "F" it and get up and stay up.  No matter what I do, whither I nap or not I can only sleep in general for 2 hrs at a time.

Well I got up and did my usual - smoke, potty, make coffee, wash up the dishes.  I have to do it in steps and have to take a break between making coffee and washing up the dishes.  I can't stand most times for any longer than 10 minutes without my back going into spasms.   It really bites!  

Well yesterday I had my 6 month check up with the neurosurgeon for my back.  He tells me that the x-rays look good and that it appears that every thing is healing very well.  He's happy with my progress and I am too.  Before the surgery I couldn't really stand at all nor could I walk unassisted. I used a walker or a cane to get around.  I had my husband buy me a special chair that will help lift me out of it.  You know it raises you up so it's easier to get in and out of the chair.  That chair is wonderful!  It really helped me a lot when I needed it.

Any way - so things have improved.  I no longer need the cane or the walker and I don't fall down all the time from my legs giving out from under me.  But I really hate it that I can't stand up for longer without being in agony.  But the surgeon tells me that, that is to be expected and that there is really no way, not in my case that I would ever get much better than I am now.  That it's nothing short of  miracle that I am up and walking like I am.

So as I said I am grateful for every thing but just had hoped and prayed for more.  I'll never be able to keep a job unless I can sit for most of the day and even that bothers me after an hour or so and I have to go lay down often through out the day.  I have so much guilt about not being able to work.   It has become apparent to me that I really should try to get disability of some sort.  My Fibromyalgia really keeps me from doing a lot but I have pushed past it in the past but now with my back problems and the FM there is no way on God's green Earth that I will ever be able to hold down a job.

I have to find a local Doctor that is willing to work with me on this.  I am the wife of a retired Marine.  All my medical is provided by the government so of course none of them are willing to help me out.  Plus, every couple of years or less the provider is transferred and I have to start all over again with someone else.  Not good when you're trying to work up a history and gain support of a doc to fight the government to get my disability.  Since they're of the same grouping that puts another block on getting the support I need.  I need them to refer me out to someone who specializes in FM and stay with them and get them to help me work out the papers and letters so that SSD will approve me.

So going to the doc's yesterday and I also had to get new photos taken of me.  I doubt I'll get to use my passport any time soon but I want to keep it up to date.  Needed new head shots for that.  Then my military ID would have expired next week so I had to get it renewed.  I didn't realize that they've changed the way they handle Drivers Licence's renewals here in NC.  But it seems I need to go there in advance and have the eye test and the photo taken and then they mail me my new licence.  Nor did I know that the renewal had come in the mail already.  My husband forgot to tell me.  So hell, I could have had that taken care of yesterday also but now I have to go out again to have that done.    Might be next week since I have an appointment with my primary care (quasi doctor I see on base) to get some of my meds renewed.  You see some of the drugs I take to help me are also poisoning my system.  I just had my last tests done in May but for some reason she wants to me to come in again... has me a bit worried there.  If the tests came back with good news they wouldn't want me to come in just to tell met that.  With my luck my liver is starting to show signs of trouble from the meds.  It never fails - the things they give you to help you feel better, tend to make you worse in the long run.

Now for some odd reason I started to get a sore throat yesterday.  The day before it felt like it was swollen a bit.  It really hurts to swallow so I haven't been eating many solids.  Starting taking some NyQuil Cold/Flu for the day and night.  I hope what ever is trying to take over is whipped out of my system soon.  I pick up illness like a hooker gets business on the corner.  All I have to do is get close to it and bam, I'm sick!  I take so many extra supplements, vitamins, and minerals and garlic, soy, omega crap - you'd think that would prevent my body from being attacked all the damn time.  But no!  Never that lucky.  If there is a cold within 20 miles of me, I'll pick it up and suffer through it. 

Just another dreary day in the life of KathyG.  I'm really tired and worn and must close this out.  I hadn't written in a few days so I thought I should do something on this.  Well off I go. Going to have a nap and then get back to my SPP friends.  Those people there are some of the best! I love them dearly and have to try to do something in return for all they do for me.

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