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Monday, August 23, 2010

Talking about Why Fibromyalgia Has a Credibility Problem - MSN Health & Fitness - Fibromyalgia

Why Fibromyalgia Has a Credibility Problem - MSN Health & Fitness - Fibromyalgia
This is a wonderful article and gives those who suffer such as myself and even those who don't a better understanding of the syndrome. There are far too many who dismiss this condition and will just tell you or hint around that it's all in your mind and you're not suffering.  Funny then how for years and years millions of patients had been telling their doctors they suffer from the same problems and this long before it was given a name or studied for symptoms.
Now it's clear that it's a all too real problem that effects not only woman but men too.  Of course I'm of the old school and know that they never would have started to examine or study these symptoms until men started to feel the same as the woman, had the same complaints.  Doctors, well not all of course that would be stupid to say all Doctors, but most anyway don't take women's complaints as serious as they do men's.  

Even something well known such as heart attacks effect women differently and for years the symptoms were dismissed.  It's only been within the last decade or two that it has been shown that when a woman has a heart attack that truly the symptoms won't be exactly as a mans.  That in of itself was a victory for woman everywhere.  We finally got them to listen to us and do something about it without having a man show the same presentation.

With Fibromyalgia or FM the symptoms are very much the same but it effects more woman then men.  FM studies are still in their infancy. Those of us who have suffered for so long finally have hope that a real cure may be found.  I was diagnosed in 1992 with FM by my primary care manager (Doctor) and referred out to someone in Internal Medicine.  Sadly that doctor didn't believe in FM.  So I've clung to my PCM firmly.  At least there I was believed and given treatments that have gone a long way to helping me on those non flair days.  But most of my days are flair days so I suffer a great deal but always try to put on a smile for those I love. 

Most all sufferers know all too well that FM has destroyed the vast majority of our relationships.  I for example have no local friends only those that I've met online.    My husband of 25 years and my daughter both stand by my side and are very devoted and understanding.  But the rest of my family that I was once close to have now snubbed me.  They think that because I don't spend time with them, go visit them, and be all cheerful that I am a stuck up Bitch. That I only care about myself.  And now that my back has given me so much trouble and I live each day in a brace unable to travel much well that just put the cherry on top for most of them.  As my DH and DD would say about those who feel that way, well that's their loss!

To those who choose to ignore me because they think I am putting myself about you – it’s not true. I try my best to always put the needs of others above my own but then there are times that it’s impossible. I have to think of myself constantly and decide how much I can manage in a day and how it will effect me in the long run.  Please take a moment and read the BlogSpot post called “The Spoon Theory by Christine Miserandino” 

It is my hope that someone will read these and finally gain some understanding of what a person with FM or some other form of Chronic Pain feels and has to go through daily just to live.  It is especially hoped by me that one of my lost family members will understand and realize that I do love them and wish with all my heart that I could see them more often and put them first physically as they are in my heart and mind.

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